BCAN Homeless Forum

(Bristol Methodist Centre)

Draft Agenda

13 May 2004


Introduction and apologies

Confirm or change agenda

Notes of previous meeting

Matters arising from previous meeting

Information Share

Any comments or feedback on the web sites?

Contact details

News of people and organisations


First Aid training – Urgent! – May 22 & 29 (please book)

Work – June 12

Plans for September onwards

Improving the Service

Developing the Homeless Forum: membership and fees

Confidentiality and information sharing: developing a joint protocol

Review the shared documents: are there any gaps, or any offers of other documents?

The wider picture: how is homelessness developing in Bristol?  How do our projects and services need to change  in the light of this?  Are there any obvious gaps in provision we should be considering how to fill?


Items for next agenda: are people interested in looking at the impact of the new Employment Equality (Religions or Belief) Regulations?

Location of future meetings

Any other business