Bristol Christian Action Network
"helping Christians respond to social needs"

Our Vision for Our City

The Bristol Christian Action Network (BCAN) exists to help every Christian in Bristol/Greater Bristol respond to social needs within the city. The Bible reminds of us of our obligation to serve the poor but in our complex society it is not always easy to know who must serve, how we must serve them or indeed whether anybody else is doing the serving in the name of the church.

BCAN exists as a uniting body for the churches to enable coordinated social action across Bristol and to share and encourage best practise to enable the church to maintain credibility as a service provider with third sector and statutory organisations.

To achieve this vision BCAN will do the following in 2009-2010

  • to find out what is happening within Greater Bristol with regard to Christian social action, making a special effort to focus on less well known projects.
  • to have an awareness what gaps there are in the range of help which can be given by churches and missions in relation to the needs of the community.
  • to encourage churches that are richer in resources (skilled people/manpower/money) to share with those churches that are harder pressed.
  • to provide an umbrella body under which churches are able to embark on a shared piece of work.
  • to enable churches to have a voice on issues around social need.
  • to establish links with statutory bodies and national organisations.
  • to provide an envisioning and training facility for Christians within Bristol churches.

For more information contact BCAN directly.