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Helping Christians Respond To Social Needs

Bristol Homeless Forum
'Supporting the Homeless' Sleep Out


Details Moved

Details of the next Sleep Out can be found on the new Bristol Homeless Forum web site:

This page has been retained for historic reference only.


The Bristol Homeless Forum ('BHF') is organising another 'Supporting the Homeless' Sleep Out on the night of Friday 26 February 2016.

The basic idea is that people will sleep outside for a night in the grounds of Pip 'n' Jay Church. We ask people to arrive between 10 and 10.30 pm on the Friday night, and leave between 6.30 and 7 am on the Saturday morning.

There are several reasons for doing this.

  • It is a fund-raising event.
  • It is a concrete and peaceful way of demonstrating our indignation and protest against what is a national scandal. Every person has a right to decent housing.
  • It is a way to raise awareness of the plight of homeless people in Bristol, and the work being done by so many organisations to help them.
  • And it is a concrete way of demonstrating the way in which these organisations work together to help the homeless people in Bristol.


BHF will organise the event. Amongst other things, we will liaise with Pip 'n' Jay, provide template sign-up and sponsorship forms, and arrange some light refreshments (such as hot drinks and soup), first aid and stewards for the night. Each participating organisation is asked to contribute £20 towards the administrative costs of organising this event.

BHF will also undertake a Health & Safety assessment, and pass the details on to the Sleep Out contact at each participating organisation. Participating organisations are expected to pass these details on to each person sleeping out, along with any other instructions and guidance they offer; they do, of course, remain responsible for the behaviour and the health and safety of their people taking part.

If you would like to sleep out with us, you must register in advance and join us as one of the participating organisations. Registration is taking place this year through the Bristol Homeless Forum Sleepout 2016 page. There is an online form for you to fill in. [But registrations have now closed for this year.]

There is only limited space for car parking in the church grounds during the Sleep Out, but a limited amount of parking for nominated vehicles can be provided if arranged in advance.

BHF has established an organising committee to look after the practical arrangements for this event. At present, this committee consists of Val Moore, Richard Drake and Paul Hazelden. If you would like to help organise this event, please contact us.

We are very grateful for the help and support of the Bristol St John Ambulance for providing first aid cover for this event.

Join Us

If your organisation or church works to help homeless people, you are invited to participate and raise funds for your own work. Otherwise, we ask you to nominate the organisation (or organisations) you wish to support and generate publicity for.

Please feel free to pass this invitation on to any organisation you know working to help homeless people in Bristol.

Each of the organisations and churches taking part will organise their own volunteers to sleep out, raise their own sponsorship, and generate what publicity they can for themselves or the organisation they are supporting - but Crisis Centre Ministries can assist with the publicity and documentation if this would be appreciated.

The relevant documents you will need to read are all on the Bristol Homeless Forum Sleepout 2016 page.


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This page last updated: 18 January 2017
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