BCAN Logo BCAN (Bristol Christian Action Network)
Helping Christians Respond To Social Needs

Bristol Homeless Forum



There will be ten sessions, each delivered twice. It runs from September to July, and the training takes place each month other than December. The sessions are usually on the second Wednesday evening and the second Saturday morning of each month, but Share Your Faith is different.

For the 'normal' nine sessions:

  • The Wednesday sessions will be at Crisis Centre Ministries, Carpenter House, 32 Stapleton Road, Easton, Bristol, BS5 0QY.
  • The Saturday sessions will be at Trinity Tabernacle, Hassell Drive, Easton, Bristol, BS2 0AN.

For Share Your Faith:

  • The Tuesday sessions will be at Crisis Centre Ministries, Carpenter House, 32 Stapleton Road, Easton, Bristol, BS5 0QY.
  • The Saturday session will be at One25, The Grosvenor Centre, 138a Grosvenor Road, St Pauls, Bristol, BS2 8YA.

Please visit the Training Venues page for directions and maps to the venues.

Please aim to be with us for coffee and registration by 7.30 pm on the Wednesday evenings, or 9.45 am on Saturday mornings.

On nine of the ten sessions, the training will run from 7.35 pm to 9.30 pm (Wednesdays) or 10.00 am to 1.00 pm (Saturdays), but Share Your Faith will extend over three consecutive Tuesday evenings and will run until 5.00 pm on the third Saturday in May - please bring a packed lunch for this.

For more information about the training, please see the web pages and documents below.

Training 2014-2015 Documents

Helping Vulnerable People (monthly training):

Share Your Faith:

Training 2013-2014 Documents

  • Helping Vulnerable People (monthly training): HTML, PDF.
  • Share Your Faith (introduction): HTML.
  • Share Your Faith (booking form): PDF.
  • Share Your Faith (poster): PDF.

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Homeless Forum

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Share Your Faith



This page last updated: 19 April 2015
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