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Helping Christians Respond To Social Needs

Bristol Homeless Forum
Road Map - Names and Abbreviations



This is part of the BCAN Road Map of services for homeless people. The main pages are:

Access: how can I find help? Timetable: when is it provided?
Services: what is provided? Organisations: who provides it?
Context: structures and policies Words: names and abbreviations
Related: relevant services Links: other web sites

Most of these entries have been taken from the Bristol Preventing Homelessness Strategy 2008-2013, Appendix D, or are based upon it. These entries are indicated by '(PHS2008)' at the end.


1625 Independent People:
1625 Independent People was formed in August 2009 by merging Priority Youth Housing and Wayahead Housing and Support for Young People.

Adult Community Care, a government programme providing care for adults, particularly for older people or people with learning disabilities or a mental illness, which is provided outside a hospital setting, implemented at a local level by local authority teams responsible for planning, local government, housing and regional development. (PHS2008)

Assertive Outreach:
Full name of the project commonly known as Outreach.

Former name of the organisation now called Novas.

Deposit Bond Scheme:
Service that aims to assist households into private rented accommodation by providing landlords with a Deposit Bond, which replaces the traditional cash payment for a deposit. (PHS2008)

East Bristol Youth Housing Association:
Or 'EBYHA', former name of the organisation that was called Wayahead and has now been merged to form 1625 Independent People.

Emergency Accommodation:
Short-term housing solutions, sometimes without access to tenancy. May include hostel or B&B accommodation. (PHS2008)

Employment and Support Allowance:
From October 2008, ESA replaced Incapacity Benefit and Income Support on grounds of Incapacity for new 'non-linking' claims. ESA includes a Work Capability Assessment, looking at what customers can do rather than what their condition prevents them from doing. ESA provides more help to get people who can work into employment and more support for those who cannot work.

Employment and Support Allowance.

Externally Commissioned:
Services commissioned but not provided by Bristol City Council. (PHS2008)

Floating Support Services:
Same as Floating Support Teams. (PHS2008)

Floating Support Teams:
Services usually open to people living in different types of accommodation, often used in short-term periods of difficulty and covering a range of issues, tailored to individual needs. (PHS2008)

Frontline Workers:
Those professionals who have day-to-day working contact with service users. (PHS2008)

Floating Support Services - same as Floating Support Teams. (PHS2008)

Floating Support Teams. (PHS2008)

Bristol City Council's Housing Options and Advice Services. (PHS2008)

Holistic Approach:
Process of taking into consideration the whole person, household and environment when assessing need and planning support. (PHS2008)

Homelessness Consortium:
HOAS-administrated meetings group (and sub-groups) that coordinates key issues through the sharing of information, experience and expertise amongst members and other key agencies. Also acts as the main consultative body for homelessness and related issues. (PHS2008)

Homelessness Pathways:
Planned routes for homeless households through housing, including private rented, social and supported housing, floating support services, other support services, as specific to that household's needs, administered by BCC Supporting People. (PHS2008)

Homelessness Act, 2002:
This Act applies in England and Wales, and requires local authorities to periodically develop homelessness strategies. It enhanced the level of assistance available to homeless people through the extension of priority need to include new groups of vulnerable people and through the requirement that all homeless people, even if not in priority need, receive advice and assistance which meets minimum standards. (PHS2008)

Housing Act, 1996:
This Act provides the current legal definition of homelessness in England and Wales. (PHS2008)

Housing Corporation:
The Housing Corporation is the Non-departmental public body that funds and regulates housing associations, established by the 1964 Housing Act. (PHS2008)

Joint Commissioning:
Two or more agencies combining resources to implement common actions or policies for providing services. (PHS2008)

Lead Professional:
A key element of integrated support. One professional who will take the lead to coordinate provision and act as a single point of contact for the service user/s. (PHS2008)

Process by which a mentor provides opportunities for development, growth, and support to less experienced individuals. (PHS2008)

Missing Peace:
Former name of the coffee shop now called The Wild Goose.

Move-on Accommodation:
Settled accommodation that homeless households may move into after first accessing emergency or short-term accommodation. (PHS2008)

Process involving people from different professional backgrounds or with different qualifications; brings different perspectives and skills to work together. (PHS2008)

Pathways to Work:
Provides intensive support to help Incapacity Benefit customers into work. It is either delivered by Jobcentre Plus teams, or by private and voluntary sector providers in partnership with Jobcentre Plus,

Primary Care Trust, the part of the National Health Service responsible for the planning and securing of health services and improving the health of a local population. (PHS2008)

Private Rented Sector:
Any accommodation provided by companies or landlords who are not registered by the Housing Corporation or contracted by public or local authorities to provide housing. (PHS2008)

Project Advisory Group:
Group of managers and workers from different agencies relevant to homelessness who will provide independent consultant approval over the direction and content of Review and Strategy documents, and provide support and sign-up as "Critical Friends" from wider homelessness and related sectors. (PHS2008)

Project Board:
Group of senior-level managers working in agencies relevant to homelessness who will provide independent consultant approval and quality control over final Review and Strategy documents, and will provide support and sign-up as "Critical Friends" from wider homelessness and related sectors. (PHS2008)

Qualitative Data:
Data (information) which is intangible or objective, such as peoples' attitudes and opinions. (PHS2008)

Quantitative Data:
Data (information) which is measurable, definable and quantifiable. (PHS2008)

The experience of having no available housing or shelter. (PHS2008)

Registered Social Landlord, a housing association registered by the Housing Corporation to provide social housing. (PHS2008)

Method of evaluating if the objectives that are being set are appropriate for the individual project, in terms of targets being Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reliable, and Time-based. (PHS2008) [The 'R' sometimes stands for 'Relevant'.]

Social Exclusion:
Description of the marginalisation from networks such as family, employment, neighbourhood and community, decision making and from an adequate quality of life. (PHS2008)

Social Housing:
Subsidised housing provided by a Registered Social Landlord or Local Authority allocated on the basis of need. (PHS2008)

Social Inclusion:
Process where someone can access the full range of opportunities available to members of society, and remove barriers for people or for areas that experience a combination of linked problems such as unemployment, poor skills, low incomes, poor housing, high crime environments, bad health and family breakdown. (PHS2008)

Statutory Sector Services:
Services whose responsibilities are laid down by law. (PHS2008)

Supported Housing:
Housing designed, managed or adapted to meet the needs of people for whom standard or independent housing is unsuitable or inappropriate. (PHS2008)

Supporting People:
Government funding programme helping vulnerable people to live independently, implemented at a local level by local authority teams. (PHS2008)

Sustainable Communities:
Communities capable of maintaining their present levels of growth without damaging effects. (PHS2008)

Temporary Accommodation:
Accommodation secured by a local authority for a household before a statutory homelessness decision is completed and after a positive decision is made, prior to a suitable offer of permanent social housing. (PHS2008)

Tenancy Sustainment Services:
Same as Tenancy Sustainment Teams. (PHS2008)

Tenancy Sustainment Teams:
Support intended to prolong the success of tenancies, by assisting tenants to access solutions to any issue which may threaten the sustainability of that tenancy. (PHS2008)

The National Treatment Agency divides drug treatment into four 'tiers' or levels, which are intended to reflect increasing intensities of activity. We have a description of these tiers on the Context page.

Training, Recreation, Education and Employment.

Tenancy Sustainment Services - same as Tenancy Sustainment Teams. (PHS2008)

Tenancy Sustainment Teams. (PHS2008)

Value for Money:
The economy, effectiveness and efficiency of a service, product or process. (PHS2008)

Voluntary Sector Services:
Services that carry out activities otherwise than for profit, other than public or local authorities. (PHS2008)

West of England Consortium:
The West of England Consortium is a partnership of local infrastructure organisations from the three unitary authority areas of Bath and North East Somerset, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.


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This page last updated: 7 December 2009
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